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Botalab Shua Mel body cream, good for children's atopy and psoriasis. Large capacity
EL님 2023. 7. 30. 15:13Botalab Shua Mel Body Cream Botalab Suamel Body Cream
Another brand of Riman Korea Co., Ltd., Botalab, has introduced a new large-capacity body cream that provides the natural brightness of the skin and healthy gloss of the skin.
●Capacity and weight: 500 ml
● Presence of functional cosmetics, whitening/wrinkle improvement double functionality, skin can be used for all skin types
● Price: USD $30

Botalab shua Mel Body Cream offers a variety of functions in three types.
- The first product contains the moisturizing crystalline shua Mel, which moisturizes and gently cares for dry and sensitive skin.
- The second product contains lactobacillus fermentation that applies the cubosome method to create a healthy skin environment
- It keeps your skin strong and healthy.
The third product contains hyalu-collagen-3 that attracts moisture, creating a solid moisture film that provides moisture that does not dry out. - The texture of the body cream doesn't leave any residue of the whipped cream texture and gives a moist feeling
It's a body crib that makes you feel healthy moisturizing.
It's a moisturizing ingredient provided by Botalab shua Mel Body Cream
It is a product that finds the moisture and health of our natural skin for skin that is out of balance.
Botalab Suamel Body Cream is a proven product that can build up moisture barriers to maintain moist skin that does not dry out.
As a result of application to human skin, this product helps to improve and soothe skin barriers,
It was also effective in calming skin irritation caused by infrared (thermal) stimulation or physical stimulation.
With this effect, the Botalab Suamel Body Cream is expected to be a good choice for those who want to maintain healthy skin.
how to use these season?
In recent years, skin diseases have increased due to fine dust, yellow dust, house dust, and dryness, which were extreme last spring, and this phenomenon is easily seen in children with weak skin.
In particular, due to the rapid temperature difference between four seasons and the temperature difference between day and night during the change of seasons, psoriasis, atopy, and heat rash occur on children's skin.
In particular, children develop childhood dermatitis around their necks, arms folded, and calves folded, where they sweat a lot.
These children's symptoms are initially psoriasis from atopy, and when it gets worse, their skin becomes dry, becoming a little hard, and even eczema.
Here, guardians should continue to take care of these dermatitis in children or adolescents.
The maintenance is moisturizing. For this moisturizing, you should not just apply body cream once after taking a shower, but continuously moisturize atopy and psoriasis every 2 or 3 hours.
product are in
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